WinWAP Smartphone Browser Emulator Skins |
The Smartphone Browser Emulator is a skinnable application, which means you can change the appearance of the phone drawn on your PC screen by downloading a new skin. These additional skins have kindly been designed and sent to us by loyal WinWAP users, and we offer them for anyone to download on this page. How to install the skinsAfter downloading the zip archive you should extract the files from the archive into the \skins subdirectory and restart the browser. After that just right click anywhere on the browser and select the Choose Skin option.
Send us your skins!Have you created your own skin for WinWAP Smartphone Browser Emulator? This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and we will include it on this page! We reserve the right not to publish skins without notifying the creator of the skin. The skins have not been created by Winwap Technologies and we provide no warrants for their looks at all. Please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it if you feel a skin is infringing a copyright or you for any reason feel we should remove it from this page. |