Slob-Trot Software Oy Ab has changed the name to Winwap Technologies Oy
Wednesday, 08 December 2004

Our quest to provide the best WAP and MMS technology continues. We changed the company name to the name everybody knows us by, and soon new WinWAP products will be available for both end users and software developers.

Our websites at and will very soon be totally renewed to provide you with more and better information about the WinWAP products.

Softage Inc selected as WinWAP development partner
Wednesday, 06 October 2004

We are proud to announce that we have a new development partner for our WAP and MMS solutions. Softage Inc was selected as development partner because of their excellent skills for embedded and multi-platform development as well as their long experience with mobile client technologies.

WinWAP for Pocket PC 2003 released
Thursday, 17 June 2004

WinWAPfor Pocket PC 2003 was released. There are differences betweenPocketPC 2000/2002 and 2003 that required that we provide a separateversion for Pocket PC 2003. This new version further contains manytechnical improvements, such as WAP 2.0 protocol support.

Iceland Telecom selects WinWAP for Always On / Dynamic ISDN customers
Friday, 10 October 2003

IcelandTelecom gives the WinWAP browser to their AO/DI customers and thusproviding them with a way of fully utilizing the low bandwidthD-channel of the AO/DI connection.

WAP Software Development Kit update
Wednesday, 07 May 2003

The WAP SDK (Software DevelopmentKit) that is based on the technologies behind the WinWAP browser hasreached a new level, and more is to come within the near future. One ofthe largest changes in the SDK is that the WAP Stack has been partiallyrewritten for speed and stability, and on top of this it is now WAP 2.0compatible. At the same time it has been ported to new non-windowsoperating systems like Linux. The WinWAP SDK consists of several partswhere the main parts are the WAP Stack and the WinWAPX PRO (ActiveX)control.

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